The pure and simple move away from the hustle of trying to “do and control everything” failing and beating myself up about it is like a gift that I’ve been waiting for since I dipped my toes in the water of what “a career” looked like for me. It all felt wrong, trying to run two businesses plus fulfilling my duties as a parent, wife, daughter, friend, community member and more.

The thing is when you’re a capable and competent woman you say yes to so much. Your tank get completely full of “stuff” and it distracts and detracts from your true essence of what you bring into this world and your ability to feel pure joy in life. Things can easily start to warp and feel like a burden instead of a pleasure.
My divine feminine has also cartwheeled and softly sparkled into…
…healing my relationship with the masculine. And the kickback from this has been wondrous. Surrounded by men, young and old I must admit I have sometimes felt resent towards their dominant energy, or if they are too passive for my liking, anger at how this could be so? Now I understand so much more. These divine humans do not want bitter, bossy, manipulative women. That is all wrong. In this dynamic the masculine can become submissive and feels like they can never please her no matter what he does. He retreats and his life force is diminished. I see this everywhere now. The stuffing has been pulled out of the good masculine men as they tip toe around trying not to offend anyone. So like the gift of truly stepping back into my feminine it was the gift of encouraging the strong divine masculine energy around me to step up and lead the way.
All of my burnt out, exhausted, shitty and resentful female clients over the years (who reflected back to me… me) we’ve been fooled to think we can do it all but if we are to remain strong and healthy we must be open to receive. After all receiving is what our body’s are actually designed for.